What is a Corporate Kit? A Florida Corporate Kit is a compilation of a business’ most important records. Florida Corporate Kits typically come as binders, making it easy for a business to stay organized by storing all essential company records in one place. Local, state, and federal authorities, among attorneys and accountants, may need to see your Florida Corporate Kit in the event of any proceedings or transactions. Florida Corporate Kits aren’t expensive and can serve the purpose of helping you avoid fines, penalties, legal action against you, and losses such as that of your business license.
‣ Order by Phone at (800) 603-3900 from 8:30am – 5:30pm EST.Bonus! Purchasing a fully customized Florida Corporate Kit from us for $29.95 rewards you a Free 30-DAY Trial to our General Counsel Club – That’s 30 days of Unlimited Legal Advice.
The contents of the Florida Corporate Kit are documents that meet the legal requirements for your business. Florida Corporate kits also comprise records that are critical when dealing with matters like court proceedings, raising capital, contracts, taxes, and accounting, transferring ownership, as well as the rules and policies of your business. The corporate kit includes:
The articles of incorporation in Florida are a legal document in the Florida Corporate Kit that solidifies the existence of a business entity within a state. Along with corporate bylaws, the articles of incorporation outline the jurisdiction of a corporation, as granted by the state government. The Articles of Incorporation typically include the name of your corporation, its purpose, the type of business it is, the address for the physical location and the address for where the mail will go (registered agent), the number of shares or members, and the bylaws of the business.
The Florida Corporate Seal is the signature of your business as a separate legal entity. The seal in a Florida Corporate Kit is used to produce an imprint on official paperwork like legal documents and contracts; leases and agreements, employment and vendor contracts, loan documents, minutes, operating agreements, and other company records. The Corporate Seal may also be used to authorize and legitimize stock or membership certificates. Having one makes your business stand out as more professional to any possible investors.
Corporate Minutes is the term used for the notes that a secretary records in and of the meetings held by the board of directors, owners, members, officers, or shareholders. A secretary or assigned person will write a record of every decision, outcome, or resolution discussed in that meeting as “minutes” and collect them in the Florida Corporate Kit. The corporate minutes may be required in significant business matters such as IRS audits, raising capital or borrowing money, by an accountant to prepare taxes, or by an attorney in court proceedings—among many other matters.
Corporate Bylaws in a Florida Corporate Kit dictate the set rules of a corporation. Every business requires rules and guidelines in which to operate, regardless of type; LLC, Corporations, Non-profits, Partnerships. Business entities have coinciding titles for Bylaws; Partnerships have what is called a partnership agreement, LLC’s write an operating agreement, but the constituents are similar to that of corporate Bylaws. Bylaws are a complicated legal document and not something you should try to do yourself if you aren’t well-versed in its many legal complexities and implications.
A stock certificate is a legal document declaring that you own shares of stock within a corporation. A stock certificate certifies that you are the registered owner of a certain number of shares or a percentage of the company, transferable only by you, and organized under the laws of the state. Florida Corporate Kit stock certificates are usually created with complex art designs to keep them from counterfeit reproduction. It includes your name, business name, identification number, the number of shares or percentage of ownership, the corporate seal, and signatures from authorities such as the president or treasurer.
The name of a business must abide by all state requirements and be uniquely distinguishable from other business names. If you use a name that is too similar to a name used by your competition, that business may accuse you of a trademark violation; you might be forced to choose a different name and may even have to pay monetary damages. Part of our complete Florida Corporate Kit includes, at no additional cost, our attorneys performing a preliminary name search and helping you find and choose a name that avoids any possible legal penalties. Important! When Qualifying Your Business in another state, you will not be able to use the same corporate kit. If you qualify your business in Florida, Spiegel & Utrera, P.A. can customize a new state-specific company records book and seal for the state you qualify in.
There are different Corporate Kits to choose from for each type of business entity, such as LLC’s, Corporations, and Non-Profit Corporations.
The Florida Kit holds great importance for a variety of business and legal matters, including:
Since many licensing authorities require company documents over time, the Florida Corporate Kit is essential to substantiate the information.
The Florida Corporate Kit is the most complete business record-keeping tool one can have. Should an audit occur, its contents will likely be required. There are situations where the IRS and state taxing authorities may want to review your Florida Corporate Kit.
Banks and creditors perform strict due diligence to qualify a business before lending money. They may ask to review components of your Florida Corporate Kit to satisfy their requirements.
Many investors might want to view documents within your Florida Corporate Kit before they invest in your company. If you cannot provide this, they may be less willing. Having a professional and organized Florida corporate kit with book and seal, stock certificates, minutes, and other material will give investors the transparency they want to make them feel good about the deal.
INCLUDES “Includes State Filing Fee”
INCLUDES Seal and Book
INCLUDES Formation Articles/Certificate
INCLUDES Company or Corporate Minutes
INCLUDES Corporate or LLC Regulations
INCLUDES Ownership Register
INCLUDES Banking Resolution
INCLUDES Membership or Stock Certificate
INCLUDES Preliminary Name Search
INCLUDES 110% Lowest Price Guarantee!
Yes, even INCLUDES Attorney’s Fee (No Hidden Attorney Fees).
They assisted us with our LLC and are non profit. Very patient and very knowledgeable. Always available when you need them for assistance and advice.
1840 Coral Way
4th Floor
Miami, FL 33145
Toll Free: (800) 603 - 3900
(305) 854-6000
Fax: (305) 857-3700
Natalia Utrera, Esq.,
Managing Attorney
1 Maiden Lane
5th Floor
New York, NY 10038
Toll Free: (800) 576-1100
(212) 962-1000
Fax: (212) 964-5600
Zachary A. Westenhoefer, Esq.
Managing Attorney
642 Broad St., Suite 1B
Clifton, NJ 07013
Toll Free: (888) 336-8400
(973) 473-2000
Fax: (973) 778-2900
Sandy A. Adelstein
Managing Attorney
8939 S Sepulveda Blvd.
Suite 400
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Toll Free: (888) 520-7800
(310) 258-9700
Fax: (310) 258-9400
Michael A. Bustos, Esq.
Managing Attorney
9 East Loockerman Street
Suite 202
Dover, DE 19901
Toll Free: (888) 641-3800
(302) 744-9800
Fax: (302) 674-2100
Courtney Riordan, Esq.
Managing Attorney
2545 Chandler Avenue
Suite 4
Las Vegas, NV 89120
Toll Free: (888) 530 4500
(702) 364 2200
Fax: (702) 458 2100
Joel S. Beck, Esq.
Managing Attorney
Continental Office Plaza, Suite L12
2340 Des Plaines River Road
Des Plaines, IL 60018
Toll Free: (888) 514-9800
(312) 443-1500
Fax: (312) 443-8900
Michael C. Welchko, Esq.
Managing Attorney
Unlimited Legal & Business Advice
Toll Free: 1 (800) 734 - 9900
Fax: 1 (800) 520 - 7800
Natalia Utrera, Esq.,
Managing Attorney
There are many benefits to starting a business and incorporating. Some of the benefits of starting a business include protection of your personal assets, ease of raising capital, gain anonymity, available tax benefits and more!
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